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Why Christians Should Never 'Kill Their Wounded': A Call to Compassion and Healing |
When a nation or team goes to war, and one of them got wounded, the ideal thing is that the wounded will be helped to a safe and protected place to see if his life could be saved from the injury sustained; that is the way it ought to be with men of faith, but it is not always so, we usually think ourselves as too strong to fall by such temptation that our brother fell by. The Bible truly says: ‘he that falls on the day of adversity, his strength is small and he that thinks he stand should take heed lest he fall’, but I say that a man cannot be said to be strong until he has been tempted and yet he stands.
Gal.6:1 ‘Brethren, if a man is over taken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted’.
I will like you to take a little time to go through the above scripture to verse 5 and learn of Him. What we do today in our faith is that we kill our wounded instead of helping them to a safe and secure place where we could have saved their lives, we are overtaken along with them and rather than help them, we kill them. When such happen; that a great man of God falls, we engage in analysis of possible cause(s) of the fall and move on to condemnation and the likes forgetting our duty of praying for the man for restoration. What we do is to immediately isolate the man and cast him far like one with leprosy who should be kept far from people to avoid contamination to others; we leave such an individual in spiritual and physical isolation such that he/she will not be able to even pray for himself, we kill our wounded! We do not discuss this matter within ourselves alone, but with people of different faith and some men of God make sermon out of the fall of a fellow man of God; we kill our wounded!
There is a great danger in killing our wounded as we can see in the scripture we read, a bit down the verses, you will see that no one is above been tempted, and the writer of that letter clearly said by killing the wounded, you too can fall into the same temptation. Note that you are not above a temptation until you have been tempted and yet you stand; there is no superman in this raise that we run, save the wounded and kill them no more. Stay around the wounded, let him know he is still a beloved and that he can still stand again, remember ‘ Samson’s hair began to grow again’, tell him his hair can grow again, your word of courage could heal the wounded and keep him strong again.
Kill not the wounded!
Prayer: Lord, help me to help the wounded rather than killing them, make me my brothers keeper indeed, Amen!
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