Evangelist Isaac Oyedepo set to hold Ignite OAU
Renowned evangelist, Isaac Oyedepo, son of Bishop David Oyedepo, has announced the eagerly anticipated "IGNITE OAU" event through his official social media platforms.
Departing from his father's ministry, he now spearheads The Isaac Oyedepo Evangelistic Ministries. Scheduled for June 6th to 7th, IGNITE OAU promises two days of spiritual enlightenment and fervent worship.
Evangelist Isaac Oyedepo said "The IGNITE TRAIN has a 48-hr stop at the prestigious and ancient OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY (OAU).
It shall be a meeting of the Holy Ghost and Fire.
Lost fires will be ignited and dry woods set ablaze.
There will be a shaking and dry bones will come alive.
A great army such has never been witnessed will rise.
A generation will awaken from her state of slumber.
Ancient Mantles will be distributed.
A sound from heaven, as a mighty rushing wind, will fill the venue and commission many to their next phase of destiny.
Tongues of fire will rest on the thirsty.
A Portal is opened, are you ready?
Pray, Plan, and Prepare!!!
This is a Generational Gathering.
Ministering: @theisaacoyedepo @abbey_ojomu @official_olafare @scm_oau
Come with Hunger, Desperation, and Thirst. Come with everyone on the OAU campus and neighboring campuses for a visitation.
All neighboring churches, campuses, and Campus fellowship members are remembered.
Invite the Unsaved, Oppressed, Depressed, Afflicted, Inflicted, and Confused. There will be healing and deliverances also taking place. It shall be a Holy Ghost Invasion!!!"
Joining Evangelist Isaac Oyedepo are esteemed ministers Abbey Ojomu and Oluwafemi Olafare. The event unfolds at the majestic Amphitheatre of Obafemi Awolowo University, situated in the serene environs of Ile Ife, Osun State. Get ready to be ignited with divine grace and empowerment at this transformative gathering
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