Prayer A Kingdom Lifestyle

PRAYER A Kingdom Lifestyle 


 We do not pray just because there is a crisis or a need. We are faith motivated, Word motivated,

not need motivated. Our life in Christ is directed, governed and mentored by the Word,not by 

circumstances of life. We live by responding to the Word. Our opening Scripture shows us a 

parable the Lord Jesus told His disciples to the end that men ought always to pray, and not to 

faint. The Lord uses the expression "... men ought always to pray, and not to faint." Hence we are 

meant to pray always, without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer is a Kingdom lifestyle; it is 

life to us. We live this way. Prayer is not an addendum to the Christian life. It is the life we have 

been called to live. We are a royal priesthood in Christ; we are priests ministering with the High 

Priest, Christ Jesus, in things pertaining to God. Praying is a life of the priest.

For the kingdom man, prayer is not a religious exercise. Prayer should not be done as a religious 

thing;that will not produce any results at all. Prayer for a kingdom person is a dialogue with God.

We pray to a living God who is able to save to the uttermost those who come to Him by Christ 

praying to a living God who is able to hear, to bless, to lift, to strengthen, to answer.God's ears are 

communication with the living God with faith and assurance that He i listening and responding 

Places to get the attention and praise of men. The Bible teaches that such hypocrites hve their 

e onthave,you must learn to go into the closet of your heart to have deep communion with od 

The power of prayer is in learning to withdraw into the iner parts of you r he ar e e e tio 

come out of your heartin deep communion with God.

In the Name of Jesus, I declare that I am given to prayer: not to 

weariness. I declare that I am fervent in spirit and not slothful. I am 

a citizen of the kingdom of God,therefore prayer is my lifestyle.

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