Pastor Isaac Oyedepo gave prophecies for 2024

 ~The year 2024 shall be the year of the HOLY GHOST and FIRE. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Pastor Isaac Oyedepo 

~The year 2024 shall be a year to acquire New Fire and Restore Lost Fires. Joel 2:25-28 KJV

~The year 2024 will provide this generation (Millennials) and the upcoming generation (Gen Z’s) great opportunities for the transference of Ancient Mantles. Joel 2:28-29 NLT

~The year 2024 will see more young women filled with the Holy Ghost and Fire arise in the Body of Christ. Joel 2:28-29 NLT

~The year 2024 shall be for the transference of batons from one generation to the next, as the ancient paths are restores. Jer. 6:16. 

~The year 2024 shall be for the restoration of the heart of the fathers to the sons and from the sons to the fathers. Mal. 4:5-6 KJV

~The year 2024 shall be for the opening of doors to campuses, cities, and nations for the propagation of the gospel, for when the Holy Ghost and Fire is released, gates are lifted up - Acts 1:8/ Ps. 24:7-10. 

2024 is indeed the year of THE HOLY GHOST and FIRE. 

There shall be such an invasion of the Holy Ghost and Fire as this generation gets rightly positioned in purity. 

Are you ready?

If you are type HOLY GHOST and FIRE in the comments. 

What prophecy of the year is your prophecy? 

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