Your Expectation is Your Destination
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Your Expectation is Your Destination |
Trust me, I will not leave you stranded, I really don't want you left behind, you must be carried along, and you must operate inside and not be dropped at the gate, even when the gate is called beautiful, nothing outside can worth what is inside, no matter how beautiful the outside may look, and gate is always outside. You must be wondering where I got all these from; clearly from the teaching of the great man of God who taught us mightily yesterday; Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor. Let's go straight to the first scripture he read to us and I will limit us there, you are free to go and check out the full version on our YouTube channel.
Act 3: 1-3, 8 "Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour (three o’clock in the afternoon)[When] a certain man crippled from his birth was being carried along, who was laid each day at that gate of the temple [which is] called Beautiful, so that he might beg for charitable gifts from those who entered the temple. So when he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked them to give him a gift. 8 And leaping forth he stood and [b]began to walk, and he went into the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God"
The man of God defined dream as a picture painted in your subconscious mind, that will happen, although it has not happened. He said your dream is your expectation, and your expectation is your dream. The inside of the gate called beautiful was the desired destination of the man born cripple, but the helpers; like many of yours could only help him as far as the gate, it is better for them to leave him at the gate even when his dream was to limp, and jump and praise God inside the temple. Like you want to enter into your dream land, and thinking it is men that will take you in, he said no man can help you if God will not help you, listen, he said God can compel man to help you but man cannot compel God to help you.
He said God will not allow you to have a dream if He does not want to bring it to past, and if your dream is not bigger than you, then it is not from God. So never see your dream as too big to scare you, if nothing scares God, nothing should scare a Dreamer like you. So what are your dreams and expectations this season? No matter how big it is, you will not be left at the gate of that dream, you will enter into your expectation, limping, jumping and praising God for the reality of it.
I will leave you to start praising God ahead of the manifestation and birthing of your dream in this month and season of birthing and manifestation.
Prayer: Father, take me into the manifestation of my dreams, compel my helpers to help me, that I may praise you all my days, Amen!
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