Watch your words: Overcoming Provoking situation as Christians

Watch your words: Overcoming Anger situation as a Christians

Watch your words: Overcoming Anger situation as a Christian 

I will like the single individuals to pay particular attention to this episode because within the last few months/years I have seen words fast breaking relationships and the evil of our mobile SMS and chats.

Prov.15:1 ‘A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.’

I want us to sincerely answer this question before we continue reading: Each time you talk out of provocation, do you talk to correct, express your feelings or want to hurt your partner? Most of the time when we feel hurt by our partner we respond in retaliation wanting to hurt him/her back so he/she can feel the way you are feeling, but rather than solve the problem; it normally fuel the anger, so check your motive each time you are tempted to react to the wrong of the other party, pause and ask yourself why should I respond this way? When we are responding to a provocation from another person, what we want to achieve speaks volume about us being a troublesome individual or peaceful.

In the present world of medial, I have seen marital relationships broken by SMS/chat, I have also seen fracas in the family because of the kind of SMS/chats sent by either of the party to the other after a disagreement. A soft answer turns away wrath, so says the Bible but what happens when the mind of the ‘seemingly’ soft speaker is filled with wrath? The answer is no longer soft, check your mind and think of how the other party will interpret your words as it relates to the matter on ground. Jesus Christ in one of His teachings said we should be swift to hear but slow to respond; the way we use our SMS/chat swiftly did not obey this principle and I always wonder how we would have responded to issues this fast if this GSM has not come. 

See one or two samples of SMS between ‘to bes’ and couples: 

Lady: “too bad you could not even call or send a birthday message, is it your joblessness that is taking your thought so much?” 

Guy: “Are you just discovering I am jobless? I guess I should be left alone with my joblessness rather than you adding to my pain.” The guy called for the suspension of the relationship till he gets a job, but you know he will not return even after the job. 

See another one :

Man: “I used to think I am up with an intelligent woman, shocked your response to issues did not show a trace of my expectation.” 

Woman: “what an irony? What one sees as a source of joy, but truly a fountain of unending sorrow, I see my deliverance coming soon.” Such home will almost be torn apart except God intervenes.

Guide your tongue, think of the impact of words before you speak it. It is not what you said, but what is heard. May God help us all.

 Prayer: Father, fill my heart with the spirit of gentleness from you, that I may be calm and think through my words before speaking it, Amen!

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