Righteous yet Idolatry
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Righteous yet Idolatry |
I discover that growth should be continuous, and the older we grow in maturity, the more we know what appears right before could now be wrong. A child will play with the sand and rob hands on his body to keep the hands clean leaving the clothe dirty at age 2 or 3, at 4 or 5 the same child may not clean hands with his clothe but show the hands to the mother or any elder around, the same child will wash his hands with water at age 6 or 7. If a 7 years old child cleans his hands robbing it on his clothes, the parents or trainers will spank his palms in correction even when he cry of the pain because much is expected of him beyond what he has done. This is the reason we keep teaching even the adults in the elementary at times but with different language than we will teach the unknowledgeable children because you ought to have grown, hence this teaching is not for babies today.
Dan.5:23 ‘And you have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven. They have brought the vessels of His house before you, and you and your lords, your wives and your concubines, have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron, wood and stone, which do not see or hear or know; and the God who holds your breath in His hand and owns all your ways you have not glorified.’
Now, if we agree that there is nothing we have that has not been given to us by God including our lives, then it means the original owner of all is God and such things as given to us should never be used outside the honour of God and against God, when we allow the wrong use of such and against God, we are in idolatry. Idolatry therefore has gone beyond the setting up of stones or anything and bowing to it like we will define it to children; are you idolatry? Your answer will be a quick and emphatic NO, but don’t be in a rush to answer, use the scripture above. Your house is that of God, your resources given to you by God belongs to Him, your time is His, He can decide it is over and you will have no say. Answer the questions I want to ask and then answer if you are idolatry.
Who ranks first in the use of your time? If God has need of your house at a certain time and you have a club meeting fixed for your house the same hour, which one will go for the other? Between you and God, who is first in the spending of your money and when does complain come most; in spending for yourself or spending for God? Who will you rather honour and celebrate more between God and your loved ones, even with your time, space and resources? How often do you complaint of long hours spent in church once or twice a week compared to hours spent at work, club and with friends daily?
When you allow whatever God gives you to determine your relationship and conduct with Him, you are Idolatry, even in your high level of righteousness, answer the questions. Good bye.
A word is enough for the wise; if it belongs to God; let Him have it still.
Prayer: Father, open my eyes to every act of idolatry in my life and grant me the humility to accept and repent of it all, Amen!
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