Embrace God's Promise: You Shall Not Die, But Live

Embrace God's Promise: You Shall Not Die, But Live

Embrace God's Promise: You Shall Not Die, But Live

The one that wrote the text of the day was alive, yes, he was breathing but his living was mere existence just like many homes, marriages, careers and families today, so he prophesied and spoke life into himself saying; I shall not die but live. And I connect with the move of the Spirit this morning to say to you, you shall not die but live. It may look to you as if the Lord is chastising you now, things may be going wrong all the way, peace may be lacking in your family, your home may be at the verge of breaking but I say unto you; God has not given you up to death.


Ps.118:17-18 ‘I shall not die, but live. And declare the works of the Lord. The Lord has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.’ 

Receive the breath of life this morning and live; life will come into your career, into your home, into that hopeless situation and into you; you will no longer merely exist but you will live to fulfill purpose. People next door will from now on begin to feel your impact as a living soul and not mere existing object. Jesus is the breath of life; yield Him all that is yours and let God’s breath come into you and live.



It is the season of exiting from mere existence and resuming living life, CONGRATULATIONS!

Prayer: Father, I destroy every suicidal contemplation from the mind of all the readers of this peace and I ask for your timely intervention in their situation in Jesus name, Amen!

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