ALỌLARI - God Lied to Me! - Christian Drama.

Christian Drama, ALỌLARI - God Lied to Me! - Christian Drama. 
 ALỌLARI _...God Lied to Me

Written by John Emmanuel 

Spirit Revealing - Christian Drama 

Chapter 1
"A man must do what he has to do!" OBA turned to the other side of the bed as he muttered to himself. For months, he has been worried with how things were turning out at his farms here in Ọlọrọ-Ile. The herders matters had gotten out of hand. They have no regard for the labour of farmers. Apart from the low harvest output, he heard prophecies, predictions and lamentations of several people who are forecasting that the years ahead will be tough. It hadn’t rain for three years now and it is obvious the long predicted famine has arrived.
“Should I stay back and continue to believe what the preacher is saying?” Oba spoke for the second time in about thirty minutes. “There is no going back! I am proceeding with the relocation. There is no hope for this land.” He concluded. Then he heard the voice of Adanmadu and that of Igbopa, the tough wife of Adanmadu. It had become customary to hear the couple arguing at the middle of the night. “What was always the cause of their argument?” Oba soliloquizing asked himself. “Was it not the harsh economic situations happening in the land? I am not in the mood to listen to their woes at this early hour of the day.“ He returned to his wooden bed as he initially stood up to go and intervene. It was midnight and he had not being able to sleep. He understood that Adanmadu had being labouring hard but it seems he has nothing to show for it.
The last time the couple had an heated argument, the preacher had to come to help settle the matter. Oba himself was present and to him, the preacher had no comforting words to say.
"God is still concerned about your home.“ The elderly preacher had spoken, cleared his throat and continued. “God said He will never leave us nor forsake us. I understand things are tough but the truth is that trying times are not the times to open up your home as a family to quarrelling and animosity. Instead hard times are times to gather together as a family and look to God for His divine provisions and guidance.“ The preacher concluded.
Oba laughed again. To him, the preacher was not being realistic. Tough times are times to be a man and man up to the situation. How could a preacher be suggesting prayers and depending on God at such a time…

_Continue reading in Chapter 2._

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7, ESV.
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